In the seminar I was able to learn new things, I acquired many experiences, I met a new world that had not had the opportunity before ... I went to this seminar with thousands of expectations and each one of them was fulfilled, maybe some more than others, but everything was more than good, I could learn about topics that I didn't question before and practice my English much more. I was with wonderful people, with whom I became very fond of and the moment of the farewell was very strong, with the people I had more attachment was with the Brazilians, our customs were very similar, they were lovely people who would fascinate me to know thousands of times more if I had the opportunity. I recommend this type of exchange because thanks to him, as I said before, I met different customs, languages, people, an experience that a normal trip can not give me. Perhaps something to change would be very long sessions, there were days that were very tiring and some colleagues were not punctual, delaying activities, but others all good. What I liked most about all things was to learn more from each other, even from my companions who accompanied me in the seminar, but also from those I did not know, put myself in the place of the other, help him if I needed, were moments that I did not know They forget and remain forever. “That's what it's about, to match people who make you see things that you don't see. Let them teach you to look with different eyes. ”